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Canterbury Cream 700ml

Canterbury Cream has smooth and creamy taste with hints of vanilla and caramel. Pairing suggestions: Serve over ice or mixed with coffee. Pair with desserts such as cakes, ice cream, or fruit.

Cavalier Green Ginger Wine 750ml

The bold ginger dives right down your throat & leaves a lingering spicy sensation. Pour over ice, mix with soda water or use for many cocktails - even a hot toddy!

Cazcabel Coconut Liqueur 700ml

Cazcabel tequila is created in an independent micro distillery in the town of Arandas, located in the highlands of the Jalisco mountains in Mexico. Cazcabel Coconut blends succulent sweetness from coconut, with the dry, earthy tones and crisp citrus edge of Cazcabel Blanco. Producing a taste profile of rich, sweet & warm hits of coconut.

Cazcabel Coffee Liqueur 700ml

Cazcabel tequila is created in an independent micro distillery in the town of Arandas, located in the highlands of the Jalisco mountains in Mexico. Using the fresh and earthy base of the Blanco, Cazcabel Coffee blends a roasted sweet hit of luxury arabica coffee from the coastal region of Soconusco in Mexico. It's a stunning short that can be used in innovative cocktails or enjoyed neat over ice.

Cazcabel Honey Liqueur 700ml

Cazcabel tequila is created in an independent micro distillery in the town of Arandas, located in the highlands of the Jalisco mountains in Mexico. The honey used in Cazcabel Honey is made with 100% natural honey, adding a dose of sweet nectar to the blend, balanced with the fresh, earthy and dry Blanco at its heart.

Chambord Liqueur 50ml

An extremely deep, purple colour. The liqueur has a luxuriously textured, medium-weight body and a wafting herbal and fruit bouquet. Black raspberries, vanilla acacia honey, and fragrant herbs steeped in cognac. The semi-sweet palate is a lavish affair featuring raspberries, spice, herbs and a taste of honey. The flavours persist on the palate for a remarkably long finish.

Chambord Liqueur 700ml

An extremely deep, purple colour. The liqueur has a luxuriously textured, medium-weight body and a wafting herbal and fruit bouquet. Black raspberries, vanilla acacia honey, and fragrant herbs steeped in cognac. The semi-sweet palate is a lavish affair featuring raspberries, spice, herbs and a taste of honey. The flavours persist on the palate for a remarkably long finish.

Cointreau 50ml

Cointreau is crafted through the distillation of all-natural sweet and bitter orange peels, resulting in a crystal clear liqueur that strikes the perfect balance between sweetness and freshness. Rich and strong orange flavour with fruity, floral and herbaceous notes.

Cointreau 700ml

Cointreau is crafted through the distillation of all-natural sweet and bitter orange peels, resulting in a crystal clear liqueur that strikes the perfect balance between sweetness and freshness. Rich and strong orange flavour with fruity, floral and herbaceous notes.

De Kuyper Crème de Cacao Brown Liqueur 700ml

Carefully distilled spirits are combined with an extract of cacao beans from Africa and vanilla from Madagascar to compose this traditional sweet-chocolate liqueur. De Kuyper Crème de Cacao is intense and sweet in a Chocolate Martini.

De Kuyper Crème de Menthe Green Liqueur 700ml

De Kuyper originated in 1695 in Rotterdam, Netherlands and has developed over three centuries into a global player in the area of Liqueurs and Advocaat.

De Kuyper Grapefruit Liqueur 700ml

Made with grapefruit flavours blended with fine spirits. A fresh sweet and sour taste sensation.
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