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Stone's Mac Full Strength Green Ginger Wine 750ml

Take Stone's Original and mix it with the flavour of Scotch Whisky and what do you have? Whisky Mac. Our Stone's Mac is a warming, spicy, ginger flavoured wine with Scotch Whisky adding an air of sophistication.

Stone's Original Green Ginger Wine 750ml

Stone's Original Green Ginger is a rich golden brown colour with a powerful pungent ginger aroma. This spicy character follows on the palate where its zest is quite noticeable, but moderated by a softening sweetness. The aftertaste is fairly warming and this sensation contributes a certain glow to the palate.

The Dubliner Irish Whiskey Liqueur 700ml

A tribute to the historic city which bears its name, The Dubliner is a blend of honeycomb, caramel and whiskey flavours to produce an enticing liqueur that is truly unique.

Vok Espresso Martini Cocktail 500ml

Vok Espresso Martini provides consumers with a quality, ready to serve Martini in a convenient format. Vok Espresso Martini, a classic batched with quality vodka and indulgent coffee. For a sophisticated finish, garnish with 3 coffee beans.

Vok Watermelon Liqueur 500ml

Vok Cocktail Liqueurs are perfect for the at home mixologist & offer a cocktail solution for any occasion. Mix this juicy watermelon liqueur with Beenleigh White Rum, lime and a dash of soda to create a deliciously refreshing watermelon Mojito.
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