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Mumm Marlborough Brut Prestige 750ml

Maison Mumm ventures into methode traditionnelle with this NZ sparkling. Delicate lemon-lime and vanillin aromas, the palate beautifully weighted, creamy and toasty with a deliciously chalky finish.

Mumm Marlborough Vintage Rosé 750ml


Oyster Bay Sparkling Cuvee Brut 750ml

The philosophy of Oyster Bay is to produce fine, distinctly regional wines that are elegant and assertive with glorious fruit flavours. An affordable, everyday luxury and their sparkling range is no exception.

Piper-Heidsieck Cuvée Brut NV Champagne Gift Box 750ml

Since its founding in 1785, the House of Piper-Heidsieck has proven its innovative prowess in selecting and blending wines of exception. Cuvée Brut is an emblematic multi-vintage champagne, elaborated from a blend of more than 100 crus sourced from 3 grape varieties of Champagne. Cuvée Brut boasts a fresh, elegant and harmonious profile. Its nose offers delicate notes of pear, white peach, citrus and orange blossom. The palate also reveals aromas of toasted bread, fresh almonds and mint. Sublime as an aperitif, a champagne for every occasion.

Pol Rémy Brut 750ml

A classic French sparkling. White-gold in colour that is fruity and delicate. A good balance between vinosity and roundness. A very pleasant wine. Best served chilled as an aperitif.

Pol Roger Brut Réserve Champagne NV 750ml

Few champagne houses remain in family hands. The impressively-pedigreed Pol Roger is one of them. Residing in the heart of Epernay with cellars running below the Avenue de Champagne for over seven kilometres, they are highly-skilled vinous alchemists in possession of an exquisite collection of wines. Not one of the region's show ponies, Pol nonetheless lead the charge from the front.

Ruffino Lumina Prosecco DOC 750ml

The bouquet is fragrant and bursting with fruit notes. It shows clean aromas of apples, pears, and citrus, accompanied by hints of wisteria. Crisp, clean, and delicate with fine bubbles on the palate. Intense flavours of apples and peaches lead to a pleasant finish with lingering fruit and floral notes.

Selaks Taste Collection Rich & Creamy Méthode Traditionnelle 750ml

Delicate, rich citrus fruit notes from the Chardonnay grapes followed by a creamy finish from the Pinot Noir grapes.

Squealing Pig Sparkling Rosé 750ml

The palate is ridiculously good layered and textured, finishing with a fresh and vibrant acidity. This is a wine that will knock your trots off stunning Sparkling Rosé will leave you squealing for more!

Veuve Clicquot Brut Champagne Gift Box 6x750ml

Founded in 1772, Veuve Clicquot has since lived by it's motto, 'Only one quality, the finest.' Yellow Label is it's signature champagne, defining the Veuve Clicquot style through a perfect balance of strength, aromatic intensity, freshness and silkiness. The predominance of Pinot Noir provides the structure while the addition of 30 to 45% of priceless Reserve Wines will ensure the year on year consistency that is so typically Clicquot. On the nose: yellow and white fruits, then notes of vanilla and later of brioche. On the palate: freshness and strength while pear and lemon tastes appear.

Veuve Clicquot Brut Champagne Gift Box 750ml

Founded in 1772, Veuve Clicquot has since lived by it's motto, 'Only one quality, the finest.' Yellow Label is it's signature champagne, defining the Veuve Clicquot style through a perfect balance of strength, aromatic intensity, freshness and silkiness. The predominance of Pinot Noir provides the structure while the addition of 30 to 45% of priceless Reserve Wines will ensure the year on year consistency that is so typically Clicquot. On the nose: yellow and white fruits, then notes of vanilla and later of brioche. On the palate: freshness and strength while pear and lemon tastes appear.

Veuve du Vernay Brut NV 3x200ml

Fashioned from grapes grown to some of France's most exquisite winegrowing districts, Cuvée Veuve du Verney has been awarded many accolades and medals throughout it's illustrious history. A fine bead and persistent mousse. Tres French and lively on the nose, bouquets of good dry crunchy fruit with characters of supple spice, apples and subdued cinnamon, peachy elements and sweet smelling clovey punch. Straight onto the palate with crisp apple and nectarine flavours, heightened profiles of rich cashew and toasty, yeasty brioche, simple almond characters with complexities of mint, confectioned citrus and vanilla.
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