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Babich Hawke's Bay Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 750ml

Working with two of the world's great wine varieties grown in one of the world's great red wine regions provides a special foundation for any winemaker. The result is a full flavoured, deliciously indulgent, opulent and warm, dry wine, dark and sweetly fruited with a hint of blackberry and plum, with a big hit of cocoa on the finish. An ideal partner for an antipasto platter featuring a range of salami and smoked meats, or any meaty casserole, like lamb shanks.

Babich Hawke's Bay Syrah 750ml

Much has been said and written about the Gimblett Gravels area being fantastic for Syrah. Babich was a pioneer of this region and this wine comes from the famous Babich Irongate vineyard. It is an accessible middleweight Syrah that's big on berry fruit, sprinkled with spice and pepper.

Babydoll Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

This Pinot Noir has generous aromas of boysenberries, ripe damson plum and nuances of warm spice. The Bouquet has boysenberries, ripe damson plum and nuances of warm spice. On the palate is has juicy blueberries and black plum, balanced with gentle tannins and a subtle toasty finish. It's a superb food match paired with duck, lamb or baked vegetable pasta or on its own.

Bay and Barnes Block Merlot 750ml

This Merlot was sourced from premium vineyards. Immediately following harvest fruit undertook fermentation on skins to lock in colour and flavour. It was then gently pressed and matured on oak to develop subtle toasty and mocha flavours and a rich smooth palate. The resulting wine a has dark, inky colour followed by a rewarding, silky mouthfeel and intense, rich plum flavour. Enjoy this Merlot with crispy five spice-scented, Peking duck pancakes with hoisin sauce and Asian greens.

Bay and Barnes Block Shiraz 750ml

This Australian Shiraz from the Riverland winegrowing region in South Eastern Australia. This hot, dry winegrowing region is famous for ripe, generous, classic Aussie Shiraz with delicious sweet red berry flavours. Harvested at perfect ripeness, fruit was immediately processed at the winery and fermented on skins to maximise flavour and colour. Maturation in oak.

Blass Black Cassis Cabernet Sauvignon Langhorne Creek 750ml

A complex black cassis nose is complemented by lifted varietal and regional notes of mulberry leaf, eucalypt and mint. A chalky, structural wine that shows off the Langhorne Creek region. Leafy varietal characters work well with the plush plummy and cassis fruit.

Brown Brothers Cienna 750ml

Brown Brothers Cienna is like tasting summer berries in a glass; filled with fresh ripe cherries and juicy red berries. With a gentle spritz, Cienna is smooth with a refreshing finish. A perfect red wine for summer. Enjoy chilled.

Carrick Unravelled Pinot Noir 750ml

Uncomplicated, upfront and enjoyable. Signature black cherry fruit flavours.

Casa Malbec 1.5 Litre

Full of aromas of juicy dark cherry and black plum that lead to a velvety smooth finish with flavours of dark fruit and nuances of raspberry and plum.

Casa Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 1.5 Litre

A medium bodied red wine, silky texture and fine tannins. The palate is full of red fruits, plum and black cherry.

Casa Tempranillo 1.5 Litre

A dark ruby red that leads to a medium bodied palate that's dry. Smooth tannins are enhanced by blackberry and blueberry flavours.

Chasseur Classic Red 3 Litre

Value for money table wines.
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