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M by Montana Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

This fragrant Sauvignon Blanc is alive with elderflower, grapefruit, and passionfruit notes. A perfect match for seafood and a crisp, vibrant salad

M. Chapoutier Pays d'Oc Rosé IGP 6x750ml

Balance is the golden rule with the Chapoutier Pays d'Oc Rosé. The musts undergo very little racking, in order to develop the wine's volume, yet maintain its freshness. 100% pressed rosé, its floral on the nose and clean on entry. Ideal for an aperitif, or accompanying a number of summer style dishes.

M. Chapoutier Pays d'Oc Rosé IGP 750ml

Balance is the golden rule with the Chapoutier Pays d'Oc Rosé. The musts undergo very little racking, in order to develop the wine's volume, yet maintain its freshness. 100% pressed rosé, its floral on the nose and clean on entry. Ideal for an aperitif, or accompanying a number of summer style dishes.

Madam Sass Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

This enticing Pinot Noir is full of attitude, style and extravagance. Decadent blackberry and sweet dark cherry aromas are delivered with opulence, chalky tannins and complex oak spice.

Madam Sass Central Otago Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

An enticing Pinot Noir Rose full of attitude, style and extravagance. A juicy, luscious wine boasting vibrant berry and stone fruits, leading into a spicy finish with just enough sweetness.

Main Divide Chardonnay 750ml

The nose is packed with an abundance of citrus and stone fruit, together with the tropical aromas of pineapple and guava. Interspersed also with floral notes reminiscent of honeysuckle and jasmine. The palate is concentrated and mouth-filling, yet balanced with refreshing acidity that complements its lingering dry finish. Vegan Friendly.

Main Divide Gewürztraminer 750ml

Intense varietal aromas of lychee, quince, rose petal & oriental spice. Layered beneath there are also hints of white peach, nectarine and honey dew melon. The palate is rich and unctuous, yet there remains a lively. A satisfying length and off dry finish.

Main Divide Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Deep ruby in appearance with aromas of dark fruit, such as blackcurrents, plums and boysenberries. Layered beneath there are also hints of tobacco, liquorice and cloves.

Main Divide Pinot Noir 750ml

Upon release it is deep ruby in colour. The nose is brimming with vibrant red fruit including plum, raspberry and cherry. There are also hints of spice, vanilla and chocolate, with some underlying savoury notes. The wine is mouth-filling, yet balanced with plush velvety tannins, refreshing acidity and a prolonged finish.

Main Divide Riesling 750ml

A portion of nobly botrytic fruit has produced a distinctive style of wine. It has a core of citrus fruit characters, particularly lemons and limes, but there is also an undercurrent of white fleshed peaches and nectarines. The botrytis has added hints of honeysuckle and also given the wine extra concentration and richness. A seam of natural acidity and minerality flows through the wine and gives it an off-dry finish length and zest.

Main Divide Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

The wine shows a complex interplay of tropical fruit characters with elements of passion-fruit, mango and paw paw, supported by impressions of ripe gooseberries and dried herbs. It is fruity and mouth filling but yet has a refreshing spine of crisp acidity which keeps it focussed and helps draw out its length.

Man O' War Estate Waiheke Island Chardonnay 750ml

Man O' War Chardonnay exhibits intense ripe stone fruit characters with subtle hints of toasty French oak and a lovely nutty lees influence.
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